i look in the mirror very often. i look at myself not only to view my appearance, but to get ideas. so much is exchanged between me and myself when i look in the mirror. my reflection gives me ideas for songs, i say encouraging words of affirmation, and try to analyze my soul. i look at my eyes and try to find something in them. this may seem odd to the next person, but this is how i do. everyone has something that boosts their morale. one action i take is looking at my reflection.
the mirror is amazing. it exposes one to the depths of oneself. it offers viewers a look into the past, present, and future. it opens windows to one's hidden areas. when it is time to write, take a look in the mirror. record what you see. you will see more than your own reflection. you may see fear, insecurity, confidence, joy, or pain. you may see hurt, anger, healing, or recovery. everyone sees something different.
there is someone who may not see anything at all. nothing more than a reflection. i encourage that person to look deeper. stand in the mirror longer and gaze at what's gazing back. do not be afraid to see something you do not like. do not be afraid to stare at yourself. you may get more than what you expect. you may get something good.