Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Will Read Your Writing for FREE!


I am dedicated to assist aspiring writers to hone and improve their craft. All this month, I will be giving FREE READING REVIEWS!

Entries must not exceed 5 pages. You will receive my feedback, including necessary suggestions. I am interested in reading short stories, anecdotes, and essays. Send your entries to: 


 {Please share this opportunity with your #writer friends.}

Check out my website: www.thebrownorangebooks.com.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Eh...Cloudy Skies...

It’s not always easy being a librarian, since we have so many roles that we have to play. Along with other leaders, we help the world to go ‘round. We are the mediators, counselors, regulators, educators, and researchers of the world. We have to ensure that those we serve leave out with their library needs met. We don’t just check out books, we collaborate with other educators and coworkers about assignments. We have to “put up” with disgruntled library users as they wait in line to be assisted. So much on our literary plates.

We often have to “turn the other cheek” when we are wronged because librarians are classy individuals. You won’t find us in a shouting match with other people. It’s just not in us to be disrespectful. Now, I’m sure that there are some tangy librarians out there who have little patience for nonsense, but overall, we like to keep it together. We like to stay calm. That isn't the easiest either because we, too, need to vent.

Maybe I’m feeling like this because it’s cloudy outside…or maybe not. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Extremely Refreshed, Thank Goodness

I woke up in an extremely good mood today! A large chunk of me is hopeful, for some reason. I love waking up feeling like this. I enjoy getting out the bed with a renewed mind. It just means that I am nearing my contentment with where I am.
I normally do wake up in a good mood. I get up peacefully, thanking the Lord for waking me, and then I trudge to the bathroom to wash my face. This morning, though, I awakened with feelings that I am even closer to my dreams. Goapele's song, Closer to My Dreams, seemed to have been playing softly in my head.
You know that good feeling you get when someone tells you that they have a "surprise" for you? That's how I felt and still feel right now.
I'm grateful to be alive. Grateful that Jesus has given me another chance to make today count.
I wanna make today voluptuous with positivity, optimistic thinking, and encouragement. I am not where I am for my own benefit. I am there for others. Got it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Nerve of Me to Save Money

I'm no financial guru. I don't come from a line of financially wealthy family members. I don't have a whole bunch of people that I can ask to borrow money. No one that I can think of to teach me how to save. And I don't have any retirement funds saved. I'm a clean slate. Most financial knowledge that I have has been acquired through books, television, or what I overheard someone else say. I'm literally on my own with financial knowledge.

I've gotten comfortable with that.

I love to read and learn. As an African American, Black, brown-skinned, or whatever-kind-of woman, I have learned that blaming others for my lack of knowledge will only set me back further. The nerve of me to reach 60 and be mad at someone else for not teaching me how to save money for retirement or how to begin investing!

After going through graduate school, I accepted the fact that if I wanted to get anything, I would have to go get it myself. Totally fine to me! It helps that I enjoy learning and education. If I didn't, I would be lazy and not make efforts to want to seek information.

But I reached a point to where I want to know where my money is going. I want to "save for the future." If I can save $1000, I can do anything. That's my thought process. I wanna see my future dollars build!
So, through a friend's recommendation, I downloaded the Mint app. I realize that most of my money goes to food! I wasn't shocked. I'm a foodie. And being a foodie is what is making me "broke-y."

Yesterday, I started a Roth IRA (retirement account) through Fidelity. After reading about roth's, I knew that that particular one was for me. There are traditional IRA's and rollover IRA's (look em up online). So...I set it up on the computer, which was super easy, and MADE myself debit $25 into my first-ever retirement account. The whole rest of my day was refreshing. Some people will laugh at my $25, but watch when my money builds to $250,000! I will be the one laughing last then...or first. However you look at it.

I praise Jesus for this enlightenment. He is making it all possible. I will be wealthy in my finances soon. I'm claiming that. But I will continue to be wealthy and rich in faith, love, and optimism.