Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Extremely Refreshed, Thank Goodness

I woke up in an extremely good mood today! A large chunk of me is hopeful, for some reason. I love waking up feeling like this. I enjoy getting out the bed with a renewed mind. It just means that I am nearing my contentment with where I am.
I normally do wake up in a good mood. I get up peacefully, thanking the Lord for waking me, and then I trudge to the bathroom to wash my face. This morning, though, I awakened with feelings that I am even closer to my dreams. Goapele's song, Closer to My Dreams, seemed to have been playing softly in my head.
You know that good feeling you get when someone tells you that they have a "surprise" for you? That's how I felt and still feel right now.
I'm grateful to be alive. Grateful that Jesus has given me another chance to make today count.
I wanna make today voluptuous with positivity, optimistic thinking, and encouragement. I am not where I am for my own benefit. I am there for others. Got it.


AJohnson said...

Oh Neely, thank you so much for this. I really needed it this morning. Heart you!

Larissa's Book Worm said...

This a great post. It is always a good thing to be wake up in positive mood.