Wednesday, April 23, 2014


My energy is bouncing off the walls, right now, and I don't know if it is because I ate an amazingly chewy, gooey biscuit from my job's cafe upstairs or that something good is coming my way. I look at everything from a spiritual point-of-view. We don't get feelings for nothing. I'm not feeling giddy about and for nothing.

The Lord has created us little bitty human beings with the ability to have emotion. I am so grateful, too, that I have a choice with how I feel. Someone told me, after hearing me vent about a breakup, "You are in control of how you feel." While I could have looked at that as an insensitive response, I have been motivated by it. I may never forget that bit of advice. So, whenever I am downtrodden or burdened by something, I remind myself of what I was told. I create happy feelings. I make myself excited.

But today, I don't know what it is, but then again, I do know why I am feeling so refreshed and upbeat. I am extremely encouraged. I feel like something great is going to unfold for me---and soon.

This joy that I have.

The world didn't give it.

And the world can't take it away.

The biscuit made me feel like this.

So the Lord must have been in that biscuit.

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