A young librarian's views on life and the things in it!
Monday, June 16, 2014
The Way Writing Is Supposed to Fee
Writers must understand that writing doesn't take too much energy. Not unless you are composing something for class, a presentation, or competition. If you are writing on your own terms and time, take your time! Make writing a laid-back and comfortable experience. FEEL FREE. And writing should be a freeing. One must never feel trapped.
Writing should feel the way hot syrup looks drizzled over a stack of pancakes---smooth. It should feel equivalent to honey rippling through a scalding mug of tea---unstoppable. Writing should be and feel therapeutic. And if you consider yourself to be a writer, writing should definitely be done.
The moment you get the inspiration to write, write. Jot your exciting ideas on the nearest and clearest paper you can find. Without keeping track of your motivation, you can immediately lose the thrill for writing.
The moment you get "writer's block," take a moment to think about why the "block" is even there. What's stunting your thoughts from flowing? I highly recommend taking a break and later writing about your block. If you have absolutely no inspiration and are completely exasperated from having nothing to write about, read an interesting article, go outside for fresh air, or pick and entertaining show on television. Give yourself another day to get inspiration. Above all, don't lose sight of your desire to write.
If you are not inspired, seek inspiration. If you can't find inspiration, create it.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
My energy is bouncing off the walls, right now, and I don't know if it is because I ate an amazingly chewy, gooey biscuit from my job's cafe upstairs or that something good is coming my way. I look at everything from a spiritual point-of-view. We don't get feelings for nothing. I'm not feeling giddy about and for nothing.
The Lord has created us little bitty human beings with the ability to have emotion. I am so grateful, too, that I have a choice with how I feel. Someone told me, after hearing me vent about a breakup, "You are in control of how you feel." While I could have looked at that as an insensitive response, I have been motivated by it. I may never forget that bit of advice. So, whenever I am downtrodden or burdened by something, I remind myself of what I was told. I create happy feelings. I make myself excited.
But today, I don't know what it is, but then again, I do know why I am feeling so refreshed and upbeat. I am extremely encouraged. I feel like something great is going to unfold for me---and soon.
This joy that I have.
The world didn't give it.
And the world can't take it away.
The biscuit made me feel like this.
So the Lord must have been in that biscuit.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
20s & 10 Cents
Reflections keep me going. They keep me humble, too, because I can always think about how far I've come and what obstacles I've overcome. There are some memories that I choose to forget and pretend never happened, but there are always tons more that I can remember.
I loved when I was 12 years old. Despite the fact that I was called a nerd and was teased for my zeal to be the best teacher's pet I could be, it was at that age that I realized I wanted to be a famous writer. I wanted people to know me, my name, and my writings. I wanted the whole world to see me through my creativity. I wanted them to read my short stories and feel emotion. I desired literary criticism and attention from everyone. I made it my mission to get that attention, too.

It's amazing how most people are driven in their youth. They are eager to make the most out of life as children. When goals seem to be impossible and out of reach, they see the possibilities. Unless they are hindered by adults or particular means involving legalities, finances, or reliable transportation, they boil with excitement to do the impossible. One thing that I wanted to do when I was a child was sponsor a baby in Africa. I dreaded seeing the commercials of them crawling on the ground with flies all over them. The advertisement requested only ten cents a day. I thought, I have that! I have some change! My heart yearned to give to that child, but I was held back. Not only was I not old enough to call, with 18 years old being a requirement, I did not know what more I could do. I didn't know how long I could give the money. I really didn't have that much change and I didn't have a piggy bank, but I knew that I had ten cents.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
I Will Read Your Writing for FREE!
I am dedicated to assist aspiring writers to hone and improve their craft. All this month, I will be giving FREE READING REVIEWS!
Entries must not exceed 5 pages. You will receive my feedback, including necessary suggestions. I am interested in reading short stories, anecdotes, and essays. Send your entries to:
{Please share this opportunity with your #writer friends.}
Check out my website:
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Eh...Cloudy Skies...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Extremely Refreshed, Thank Goodness
I woke up in an extremely good mood today! A large chunk of me is hopeful, for some reason. I love waking up feeling like this. I enjoy getting out the bed with a renewed mind. It just means that I am nearing my contentment with where I am.
I normally do wake up in a good mood. I get up peacefully, thanking the Lord for waking me, and then I trudge to the bathroom to wash my face. This morning, though, I awakened with feelings that I am even closer to my dreams. Goapele's song, Closer to My Dreams, seemed to have been playing softly in my head.
You know that good feeling you get when someone tells you that they have a "surprise" for you? That's how I felt and still feel right now.
I'm grateful to be alive. Grateful that Jesus has given me another chance to make today count.
I wanna make today voluptuous with positivity, optimistic thinking, and encouragement. I am not where I am for my own benefit. I am there for others. Got it.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The Nerve of Me to Save Money
I've gotten comfortable with that.
I love to read and learn. As an African American, Black, brown-skinned, or whatever-kind-of woman, I have learned that blaming others for my lack of knowledge will only set me back further. The nerve of me to reach 60 and be mad at someone else for not teaching me how to save money for retirement or how to begin investing!
After going through graduate school, I accepted the fact that if I wanted to get anything, I would have to go get it myself. Totally fine to me! It helps that I enjoy learning and education. If I didn't, I would be lazy and not make efforts to want to seek information.
But I reached a point to where I want to know where my money is going. I want to "save for the future." If I can save $1000, I can do anything. That's my thought process. I wanna see my future dollars build!
So, through a friend's recommendation, I downloaded the Mint app. I realize that most of my money goes to food! I wasn't shocked. I'm a foodie. And being a foodie is what is making me "broke-y."
Yesterday, I started a Roth IRA (retirement account) through Fidelity. After reading about roth's, I knew that that particular one was for me. There are traditional IRA's and rollover IRA's (look em up online). So...I set it up on the computer, which was super easy, and MADE myself debit $25 into my first-ever retirement account. The whole rest of my day was refreshing. Some people will laugh at my $25, but watch when my money builds to $250,000! I will be the one laughing last then...or first. However you look at it.
I praise Jesus for this enlightenment. He is making it all possible. I will be wealthy in my finances soon. I'm claiming that. But I will continue to be wealthy and rich in faith, love, and optimism.